The first lesson is always a trial lesson.
If for any reason you are not happy we will fully refund any pending charges or help you find a new teacher. Your choice!
Teaching Statement
I teach music because I love music: it has given me more in life than I can ever hope to pay back. I wish that all my students develop the independence necessary to make the practice and performance of music a permanent, lifelong endeavour, in whatever scope and dimension their practice may inhabit. I believe that life is made better, more captivating, and more full of wonder through the practice of this art form, and that this truth is reason enough to make make music worthy of serious effort, whether it improves math grades or no. I encourage improvisation from my students at all stages of study, while also expecting that they develop mastery of "classical" styles and forms. I expect students to work hard, to exercise patience and perseverance, and to learn to develop curiosity, sensitivity and open-mindedness: this effort will lead (in the long run) to musical fluency and an intelligent, sensitive and rewarding relationship with one of the great triumphs of the human spirit!
Licentiate of the Royal Conservatory of Music
Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting), University of Alberta
I am a Registered Music Teacher and serve on the Executive Committee of the Calgary Branch of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association. I run a piano teaching and voice coaching studio in Calgary’s centrally-located Bridgeland neighbourhood, serve as a festival adjudicator for several student music festivals, and have developed two courses for the Conservatory at Mount Royal University. I support the syllabi for the Royal Conservatory of Music and Conservatory Canada and offer preparation for examinations through both Conservatories. My students regularly receive First Class Honours and First Class Honours with Distinction in Conservatory exams and also receive special recognition at local festivals. I offer two studio recitals per year: one in December celebrating the holiday season, and a formal recital in May/June. I expect all students to play at least one recital per year and they are encouraged to play at both recitals, as performance is an important component of practice. In addition to working with children, I have a special passion for teaching adult students – my own journey to concert pianism re-ignited as an adult after leaving study in my late teens to pursue acting.
Studio Policies
For children studying with me, I expect that:
1) depending on the age/independence of the child, that the parent be actively involved in the lesson.
2) that the family support the work of the child at home by creating a special space in the home reserved for music practice and free of distractions from siblings, computers, tablets, phones etc. The instrument on which the child practices needs to be kept in good condition with visits from a Registered Piano Technician no less than two times per year.
3) that parents make mandatory for children the daily practice of the instrument according to the instructions I provide at each lesson.
4) that parents applaud and support the efforts of their children and do not attempt criticism of the child's playing. If you have concerns about your child's progress, please communicate these concerns with me privately: it is important that the child feel supported and that parents do not unintentionally contradict my instructions.
For adults studying with me:
1) I know that you will practice because lessons are your own initiative and lesson fees are coming out of your own bank account. I also know that you will be more terrified to perform: so my big expectation for adult learners is that they come out and perform at recitals. Exercise courage and know from the beginning that you can learn to keep up with the kids.