Here is How It Works
1. Sign Up
It’s free to join!
2. Create your profile
Set your own schedule and lesson rates.
Profiles will be published after verification by Top Music Teachers.
3. Enhance your profile
Get your credentials verified and complete a background check. Students are 75% more likely to register with a teacher who has completed these steps.
4. Get Students
Receive requests for lessons that have already been paid for. No false leads!
Benefits for Teachers
It's Free
There's no cost to posting your profile on Top Music Teachers. We deduct a 15% service fee from lessons booked with you.
Set Your Own Rates
You decide how much to charge for each service you offer.
Set Your Own Schedule
Our simple online calendar allows you to determine your own availability and revise it when you need to.
Choose Where You Teach
With Top Music Teachers you can decide to teach in students' homes, at your own studio, or both. Students requesting in-home lessons are charged an additional fee per lesson that you set to cover your travel time and expenses.
Get More Students
Take advantage of our extensive student network and publicity to promote your teaching profile and attract more students.
We Handle The Payments
Let us take care of the payments and administrative headaches so you can focus on teaching!
Fair Cancellation Policy
At Top Music Teachers we believe your time is precious! Our cancellation policy protects teachers from last-minute cancellations.
Get Paid On Time
Top Music Teachers are paid twice per month by direct deposit. No more chasing students for payments, no cheques, no hassles.
Extensive Profile
Help us sell you! Fill out your biography, teaching philosophy, and educational background to give students a full picture of who you are and how you teach.